Recovery information for residents returning to their property after a flood
31/03/2021 09:04 AM
When you return to your home or business after a flood, the task of where to start can be overwhelming.
Download this recovery guide to help you get on your feet, safely and quickly.
Know who to call
- In life threatening situations call 000 (Triple Zero)
- For emergency help in floods call the NSW SES on 132 500.
Some reasons you might call the NSW SES in a flood include: rescue if trapped by floodwaters; assistance when floodwater is threatening your property, or; resupply of essential supplies if your property is isolated.
With floodwaters still impacting parts of North-Western NSW and further flooding expected downstream in Western parts of NSW, there is still a large response happening for the NSW SES in these areas. Knowing your risk is the best way to be prepared for future floods.
After a flood there are simple things you can do to prepare your home and business