Daniel Mowbray



I have been a part of the NSW SES for about 10 years.

Who are you and what is your role with the NSW SES? 

I was born with a physical disability called Arthrogryposis which means my muscles and joints didn't develop fully from birth. Not even that has stopped me. I have learnt to adapt and overcome difficulties and hopefully encourage others to have a fulfilling and successful life. I currently work as a Communications Officer in the Operations Centre at State Headquarters. I work as a call operator, so we take a diverse range of calls across the entire state, anything from road crash/flood rescues, flood and storm jobs , and communicating with the public, regions and our volunteers. We also have plenty of admin work, projects amongst other things to keep busy. 

Why did you join the NSW SES? 

I originally joined the NSW SES through a recommendation of a friend. I was at university at the time so it worked well when I started as a temporary Flood Storm Call Operator. I have worked my way up to our rescue section in the call centre. After seeing firsthand the fantastic work and assistance provided by staff and the many volunteers, it gave me the passion to continue being a part of this fantastic organisation. 

What is your favourite part about the NSW SES? 

I love the culture and spirit of the NSW SES. I love the people and teams I work with and definitely makes going to work enjoyable. I have made plenty of friends through the SES. I think the best about this job is when the going gets tough or we have a major flooding event, we all work together and lift each other up and do whatever we can to help those who need our assistance in emergencies. 

What skills have you learned along the way? 

I believe I have grown both professionally and personally in the 4 years I have been with the NSW SES. Though I previously worked in call centre environments, The Operations Centre has greatly widened my skills in engaging on the phone and with others. I have developed plenty of leadership skills by assisting others and working as a Team Leader.

Casino CBD
Christmas Street Party
Christmas Street Party Thursday 05/12/2024 04:30 PM to 05/12/2024 08:30 PM
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